Webfinger is a protocol to get information about a user. It’s used for discoverability in mastodon: search for an email “jan@katzien.de” on your home instance (you must be logged in for this to work!) and mastodon will query /.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:jan@katzien.de on katzien.de to look up information about me and my mastodon profile.

There are a few pages which describe how to do it for a static page on your own static website: you dump the content of that URL on your mastodon home instance (e.g. in my case https://fosstodon.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:jankatins@fosstodon.org) into a file .well-known/webfinger and your server will serve that. But doing it this way will not take the query parameters into account, creating in essence a catch-all address: all emails will map to that one webfinger content. I don’t want that, but I also don’t want to use a php script or something similar to the site to serve different content per query parameter.

So here is a way to solve it using mod_rewrite if you are hosting your domain on an apache server:

You need three files:

  • .well-known/.htaccess -> to instruct the apache server to serve specific content per query parameter
  • .well-known/webfinger.name__domain.tld (In my case .well-known/webfinger.jan__katzien.de) -> the webfinger content which should be served when requesting /.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:jan@katzien.de (copied from my mastodon host)
  • .well-known/webfinger -> empty file, no idea why it was necessary, but mod_rewrite refused to work without this :-(


# The 404 file which should be served, if a webfinger account is not found: in my case the one in the root directory
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html

# Prevent directory listings and helpful typo corrections -> these would show all webfinger enabled accounts :-(
Options -Indexes
Options -MultiViews
CheckSpelling off

# Use mod_rewrite for fetching the right webfinger content
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /.well-known/

# /.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct%3Ajan%40ekatzien.de
# /.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:jan@katzien.de
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  ^resource=acct(:|%3A)([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\+]+)(@|%40)([A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule webfinger webfinger.%2__%4 [NE,E=is_webfinger:true,L]
Header set Content-Type application/jrd+json env=is_webfinger

# Make sure everything else on /.well-known/webfinger returns a 404
RewriteRule webfinger - [R=404,L]


  "subject": "acct:jankatins@fosstodon.org",
  "aliases": [
  "links": [
      "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page",
      "type": "text/html",
      "href": "https://fosstodon.org/@jankatins"
      "rel": "self",
      "type": "application/activity+json",
      "href": "https://fosstodon.org/users/jankatins"
      "rel": "http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe",
      "template": "https://fosstodon.org/authorize_interaction?uri={uri}"
      "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/avatar",
      "type": "image/jpeg",
      "href": "https://cdn.fosstodon.org/accounts/avatars/109/293/240/334/508/299/original/fc7031afafd6bba2.jpeg"

As I use hugo, I dumpted this into static/.well-known/ to be included in the site.

You can test that it works via

λ curl -v -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/jrd+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

< HTTP/2 200
< content-type: application/jrd+json
    "subject": "acct:jankatins@fosstodon.org",

Also make sure that all unknown emails return 404:

λ curl -v -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/jrd+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

< HTTP/2 404

Now you can search for jan@katzien.de on a mastodon instance (as long as you are logged in), and you will find my mastodon profile:

Search for my name on my maston instance